
Alma in College

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Memory Walk

I knew summer was going to get in the way of keeping up with sharing what’s going on with Alma. The weather has been so beautiful and we have really taken advantage of having a summer “off” to enjoy being outdoors. That being said, people aren’t reading this to hear about what I’ve been doing this summer. An update on Alma is long overdue.

Since her last stay in respite back in late June, Alma has had some fairly extreme mood swings. There were a couple of weeks where she was extremely giddy and downright silly much of the time. After that, we went through some tremendously difficult days with extraordinary bouts of anger that include her trying to backhand me (unsuccessfully). Most of those seemed to be triggered whenever we ask her to do something like wash her hands (something I am not about to give in on).

Where are we now? It seems that as things become more difficult, people have a hard time refraining from wanting to “fix” this situation. I’m sure if I went back through and re-read everything here, I would see a pattern of behaviors mixed with a pattern of suggestions from family, friends and professionals. The thing is (and I am sure I am repeating myself) that there is nothing left to fix here and that is really hard for this social worker to admit (humbling yet hard). Alma is currently taking the maximum doses of medication and all we can do is try to keep her safe at this point. While it is hard for all of us to watch, it is important to remember the mission here and that is to give her unconditional love and support.

In the spirit of all of us wanting to fix this horrible problem, I would have a way we can all help. I promise to get back to sharing about Alma’s family and recipes. At the moment I would like to make a plea for support that anyone can give to the Alzheimer’s Association. On September 10 in Elmwood Park in Roanoke, our family (including Alma, of course) is participating in the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”. I am attaching the link and encourage any of you to register to join us by looking under “Alma’s Team” or sending a donation under our team page. If you are not in the Roanoke Area, there are walks happening all over the county. I implore all of you who are interested in seeing a cure for this terrible affliction to please look into it.

I know I’ve said this before but I want to reiterate how much I appreciate all of the support our family has received involving Alma. There is no way we would be doing this well if we didn’t have that level of help. Thank you.